Friday, November 13, 2009

November 13, 2009
We're living at our beautiful home in Coral Bay, St. John, USVI.
Life has been wonderful. Yesterday I hosted a meeting with the Paradise Knitters. It was so much fun knitting, eating and chatting with my Coral Bay friends.
Between knitting, yoga, the beach, reading, walking, taking care of a cat feeding station and relaxing the day goes by very quickly.
My daughter Rachel should be giving birth any day now to her baby boy. He was due last week so we're all sitting at the edge of our seats.
I'll be going to NY for the baby's Brit Milah and will stay for a week to help Rachel.
I'm still teaching an online graduate course for NYIT and give webinars for Scholastic from my home.
In a few weeks I'll be flying to NY to give a Fastt Math workshop but hopefully most of my work will be from home.
David is very busy with our garden. It's so exciting to see our crops grow since there is very little organic, fresh vegetables here.
Kat Sowa painted our garden fence. We think it's beautiful.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Stella's Babies

Stella's Babies
Originally uploaded by SusanSilverman
It looks like both mommy and daddy are with these babies.

Friday, February 06, 2009

One of the best parts of living in Coral  Bay, US Virgin Islands are our new wonderful friends and neighbors.  Peter and Dorothy Muilenburg are our closest neighbors and have become our closest friends.  Peter built his sailboat The Breath in 1969 and has quite an interesting history.  Captain Peter wrote ADrift on a Sea of Blue Light which describes all of his adventures.  
Peter invited us along with two of our friends from Long Island on a half day sail.  The weather was perfect and it was just so special to spend time on this beautiful boat especially after reading his book.
Click here for more pictures.